gmina Zaniemyśl, Środa Wielkopolska County

Subordinate Territorial Units

Population - gmina Zaniemyśl

Population is the sum of people who have permanent residence in gmina Zaniemyśl irrespective of their nationality. Citizens who are in gmina Zaniemyśl - the citizens have been resident during the last 12 months. The total number includes persons with foreign nationality who have been staying permanently in gmina Zaniemyśl during the last 12 months. Citizens who have not been living in the municipality for the past 12 months are not counted. The following chart shows the values ​​of the last years parameter for the gmina Zaniemyśl.


Development of property prices - gmina Zaniemyśl

Immovable property is a land or a building that is firmly connected to the ground by a foundation. We count real estate - flats and family houses. Real estate real estate prices and other related data are monitored for a long time by a comprehensive real estate information system - INEM. For location gmina Zaniemyśl, information on property prices can be found in so-called pricing maps where information on actual real estate sales prices is readily compiled. The following chart shows the average housing and house prices per m2 in gmina Zaniemyśl in recent years.

Real estate turnover rate - gmina Zaniemyśl

Estate price index - Środa Wielkopolska County

Started flats and houses - Środa Wielkopolska County

Finished flats and houses - Środa Wielkopolska County

Criminality - Środa Wielkopolska County

Criminality can generally be understood as a summary of committed crimes by space, time, scale, structure and movement. A criminal offense is an act by which an offender fundamentally harms or threatens the interests protected by the State. A basic indicator of how to compare individual regions or territories is called the Crime Index. The Crime Index shows the recorded criminal activity for the given period, converted to 10,000 inhabitants. The graph below provides information on the development of the Crime Index parameter over the past few years in Środa Wielkopolska County.

Average wage - Środa Wielkopolska County

Average wage is one of the most watched statistical indicators. When calculating the average, it is based on less detailed information and is therefore easily quantifiable. It includes the share of wages without other personnel costs per employee. Wages include basic wages or salaries, bonuses, bonuses, wage compensation, and other wage and salary components that employees have been paid for. This is gross wages, ie before the reduction in premiums on general health insurance and social security, advance payments of personal income tax and other statutory or other employee's agreed deductions. People in the employment, service or membership of a given country are assigned to the employer. Data on the number of employees and average wages are reported in full-time equivalents for the entire national economy. Graph is the evolution of the average monthly wage in the Środa Wielkopolska County.

Very good

Number of unemployed - Środa Wielkopolska County

The unemployed person is a person over 15 years of age who lives in the reference territory and was not employed during the reference week, was ready to take up employment at the latest within 14 days and has been actively seeking employment during the last 4 weeks. All persons ordinarily resident in private households are subject to investigation. Long-term workers in collective accommodation establishments are not included in unemployment statistics, for which reason statistics for a given population group are limited. Unemployment rate is one of the main indicators of national economy performance. Unemployment rate is the share of the unemployed to all people able to work. This graph gives an overview of the unemployment rate in recent years in the Środa Wielkopolska County.

Above average

Vacancies - Środa Wielkopolska County


Number of enterprises - gmina Zaniemyśl

Business companies are usually established by individual, but also legal entities. The company so established has the status of legal person. The purpose of establishing a company is business and management of its own assets. The Company is the date of entry in the Commercial Register. The number of employees determines the enterprise size category. The chart below shows the development of the number of companies according to the number of employees in the gmina Zaniemyśl.

Above average

GDP - Greater Poland Voivodeship

Very good

Inflation rate - Poland

Industry production - Greater Poland Voivodeship

Above average

Tourism - Greater Poland Voivodeship


Foreign trade - Poland

Monetary aggregates - Poland

Index WIG20 - Poland

Life expectancy - Greater Poland Voivodeship

Life expectancy is the average number of years a person has at a given age in advance, if the mortality ratios that were observed in the reference period were maintained. Because of the different mortality rates for men and women, it is set differently for both sexes. This includes the number of males and females at birth, living in Greater Poland Voivodeship and maintaining mortality. It is calculated from mortality tables and can be determined for any age. Most often for age 0 (birth) and age 65. Value is influenced by a variety of factors: food, the country's economy, infrastructure, health status, crime level, country's military status, the environment, etc. The graph below shows the life expectancy for men and women in Greater Poland Voivodeship.


Life expectancy at the age of 65 - Greater Poland Voivodeship

Life expectancy is called the average number of years an individual has at a certain age in front of him if the mortality ratios that were observed in the reference period were maintained. Because of the different mortality rates for men and women, it is set differently for both sexes. Life expectancy statistics include men and women of the same age living in Greater Poland Voivodeship and maintaining mortality rates that are apparent in the reference period. It is calculated from mortality tables and can be determined for any age. The calculation is based on mortality tables and can be determined for both sexes and any age. There are a number of factors that can influence the resulting value, such as the country's economy, infrastructure, military status, health, environment, genetics, diet, crime rates, and so on. This graph shows the life expectancy of men and women in recent years in Greater Poland Voivodeship.


Deaths - Środa Wielkopolska County

Pollution - Środa Wielkopolska County

Greenhouse gases are gases present in the atmosphere of the Earth, which contribute most to the so-called greenhouse effect. The most important greenhouse gas of natural origin is carbon dioxide. From the point of view of fairness, however, it is not entirely correct to compare states in terms of their absolute emissions. Far more telling value is information about specific emissions. These are the ratios relating to the absolute value of CO2 emissions per capita or per unit of GDP. Greenhouse gases have a huge impact on climate change across the planet. However, the necessary financial investment to implement measures to reduce the production of these gases is relatively high. The following graph shows the evolution of carbon dioxide in recent years in the Środa Wielkopolska County.


Air cleanliness - Środa Wielkopolska County

Air pollution involves a number of processes that bring pollutants into the air into the air. Statistics include emissions and stationary sources of pollution from registers. Certain emissions are not required to report to stationary sources and these are then calculated in the emission database based on the reported active data and emission factors. Air pollution is caused by the discharge of pollutants from different sources of pollution as a result of human activity. They can then have negative impacts on human health, vegetation, ecosystems and materials around the source of pollution even in more distant areas. The following graph shows the presence of oxides and solid pollutants in the air in tonnes in Środa Wielkopolska County.
